The plan is to photo ‘Malvern in a Day’ on 30 July 2021 by as many people as possible taking photos. The purpose is to provide a community record of Malvern on this particular day. In order to make a record, you will need to email your photographs to: An archive will be set up and if you wish your photos may be included in a future display.
There was a similar project in 1971 when Michael Dowty took photographs of ‘Malvern in a Day’. Janetta Condon, who is in the process of organising a display of the 1971 photos, has given us the following information but you are free to take what photos you want.
A day in Malvern – possible photo locations and themes
Michael Dowty’s photos included lots of scenes and locations in Great Malvern but not exclusively so. None of those including people were posed as far as I can tell. Many of the pictures show individual shops or business premises. If I have taken any photos myself recently, I have always tried to ask permission from the shop staff, preferably the manager, first and to explain what the photo is for.
Many of the Dowty photographs are more general scenes especially of Church Street, Belle Vue and the Parade and Worcester Road.
It would be great to have some of places which have changed a lot or disappeared since the 1970s, either in appearance or ownership or function or have sprung up recently. But I wouldn’t want to influence any creative ideas your photographers may have!
So in no particular order:
- Any of the pubs and cafes and hotels (modern hospitality) inc outdoor facilities
- Health food shops eg Bran Tub etc
- Nail bars and hairdressers
- Empty and closed shops and banks
- Theatre Complex
- Priory Park, bandstand and playground. Rose Bank gardens
- Malvern Splash
- Burleys, Brays and Warwick House former premises
- Iceland, Wilko and Waitrose
- Lyttleton Well and adjacent Church Street premises inc Oxfam
- Belle Vue and shops along the Worcester Road and Promenade
- The Exchange and Graham Road shops
- Traffic and parking and buses
- Railway stations and trains
- Adverts in shop windows
- Covid instructions and testing facilities
- Malvern Link: Common, shops and Spring Lane premises and businesses
- West Malvern: any shops, cottages, former quarries
- Any of the wells and springs
- British camp and people on the hills
- Modern (ie 1970s onwards) housing developments
- Science Park
- Retail Park
- College of Art and the Cube
- Schools
There are, I think, privacy and data protection and child protection issues involved in some cases when taking photographs as I am sure your members will be aware of. I would suggest that members ask permission to photo people and especially children even though this may mean a loss of spontaneity.
Janetta Condon