Many Years of Awards
Many years ago, Dr John Harcup O.B.E., then Chairman of the Society, established the Civic award. The aim is and was to stimulate public interest in the character and heritage of Malvern. The Civic Award is for a building which, in design, craftsmanship and fitness for its locality, adds something special to Malvern. Since the start, over 100 buildings have been considered.
2023 Awards
There were 3 nominations for this year’s award, commercial and residential being considered, these were
Old Bray’s Buildings
Full refurbishment, renovation and the development of apartments to provide high quality accommodation, together with the development of the old Brays Department store into smaller retail units.
Benholme House
Restoration of a near derelict 19th Century Regency house and the development of a separate apartment.
War Memorial Bus Shelter
Replacement of lighting and repainting of the Art Deco bus shelter and memorial.
The committee were asked to adjudicate by marking 10 categories for up to a maximum 10 points for each category.
After long and careful deliberation, the Awards Committee decided to award two plaques.
One for Brays, a larger scale commercial development and a second award for the residential development of Benholme House.
Both developments were converted and refurbished very sensitively with much consideration into reducing the buildings carbon footprint. Both properties now have a much improved energy rating, showing it is possible to sympathetically restore our historic buildings in a much more eco friendly way.
The winners were presented with their plaques at the opening of Midsummer Malvern at Malvern Priory on June 24th 2023.
2022 Awards
There were 3 nominations this year – all very different properties
- Windsor Court, Lansdowne Crescent. A new build Care Home on the site of the old community hospital.
- The Cedars, Pickersleigh Road. A new development of 16 luxury apartments on the site of an old Doctor’s surgery and grounds.
- Vervain Cottage, Bastonford. A new purpose-built bungalow on the rural site of an old family cottage, 4.4 miles from Great Malvern
The committee were asked to adjudicate by marking 10 categories for up to a maximum 10 points for each category.
This proved to be very difficult to apply fairly as some categories were not applicable to certain properties and inevitably each entry had different and particular qualities We re-visited and reduced the number of categories, with those deemed most important placed at the top of the list.
This was the outcome:
- Overall – Vervain Cottage with 405, Windsor Court 401 and The Cedars 365
- Windsor Court came top with “First Impressions” and “Empathy with area and Heritage”
- Vervain Cottage was top with “Eco friendly benefits” and “Fit for purpose”
- The Cedars was top with “External Finish”
Balancing these factors was not straightforward, but following much discussion, we decided that Windsor Court should be awarded the plaque for 2022 – it is in a central position, known to most people and blends in beautifully with the heritage of the other buildings in Lansdowne Crescent.
It was also decided that The Cedars should have a certificate for the recognition of the very fine development that it represents, and Vervain Cottage a certificate for its eco-friendly design.
These awards were made at the opening of Midsummer Malvern at the Bandstand on 25 June 2022.

2021 Awards
There were six good nominations for the 2021 award, but the Covid epidemic made it more difficult than usual to visit the buildings and meet as a group to discuss. We were unable to come to a unanimous decision and in the end decided to make no award for 2021, but to present Highly Commended certificates to four of the nominations. These were, in no particular order:
- Gospel Place, Ranelagh Road, Malvern Link. A new development of 14 houses.
- The Montrose, Graham Road. The renovation and conversion of the old Montrose Hotel into a family home.
- The Portland, Church Street. The renovation and conversion of this prominent Malvern building into apartments.
- 52 Somers Road. The enhancement of the rear of the house and garden.
Nominations and Awards from 2019 and 2020
See these pages for information about previous years nominations and awards: