Malvern Civic Society

About Malvern Civic Society

The Society has about 400 members and maintains an active social and educative programme that aims to entertain and inform them and others. We do not concentrate exclusively upon Malvern but take a broad view of the region and beyond.

Regular Activities for Members

    If you would like to take part in these activities, we’d be happy to welcome you to the Malvern Civic Society.

    MAlvern Civic Society members at Severn End


    The Society publishes a growing list of booklets written by members on various aspects of Malvern’s heritage.

    We publish a magazine called “Bandstand” which we e-mail and deliver or post to all members The Annual Report forms part of the October edition.

    Civic Week – Midsummer Malvern

    In recent years the Society has organised a very successful Civic Week in partnership with other organisations.

    The Society has an annual Civic Award Scheme to promote good quality design in the Malvern area.

    Working Groups

    Our Planning Sub-Committee meets regularly throughout the year, keeps a watchful eye on all new planning applications and opposes proposals that are considered insensitive or inappropriate.

    The Society has other working groups, including our Programme Sub-Committee, our Strategy Group, the Friends of Malvern’s Railway and the Friends of Malvern’s Cemeteries, which also meet regularly.


    We are building an archive of documents and materials relating to the Society since its foundation.

    Plaques commemorating the Past

    The Society has erected a growing number of blue and green plaques commemorate famous people who have lived in Malvern and sites of well known buildings or institutions. You can download more information about these here.

    Support to Community Events

    We give financial support to local causes such as “Bands in the Park”, “Malvern in Bloom” and the “Autumn in Malvern Festival”.

    Society Rules

    The Malvern Civic Society Constitution and Rules can be downloaded here.