Local Visit: Hampton Court Castle, Herefordshire
Monday 4th August at 11:30 am – 3:00 pm
We will have a private tour of Hampton Court Castle, begun by Henry IV with the oldest part dating back to 1427, making it older than Hampton Court Palace! Since then it has passed through many hands and it is a truly fascinating castle. It was rescued in the 1990s by Robert Van Kampen who made an enchanting garden; it will be special to have the head gardener take us round in the afternoon.
Visit Leader: Andrew Huntley
Maximum Number: 25
Start: 11.30 for house tour at 11.45 (45 minutes)
2.00pm for garden tour (I hour approx.). Gates open at 10.30 am.
Finish: About 3.00pm, but free to roam until close at 5.00pm.
Lunch: In conservatory at own cost or your own picnic in the grounds.
Transport: Own transport or car share.
plus booking fee