Local Visit: Gloucestershire Energy from Waste
Thursday 13th November at 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Do join us for a private visit to this fascinating waste management facility that burns household waste to generate electricity to power about 25,000 homes. We will have an explanatory talk followed by a tour of the main production area.
Visit Leader: Sheila Wallett
Maximum number: 15
Start: 10am. Please arrive by 9.30 to allow for registration and allocation of protective clothing. Finish: around 12.30.
Transport: car share necessary because there is space for only 10 cars to park.
NB. Health and Safety Advice. There are several flights of mesh type stairs up and down and you must be able to walk for at least 45 minutes without rest during the tour, which may not be suitable for anyone suffering from vertigo. Wheelchair users and those with mobility issues are welcome to attend the talk and view certain parts of the site through a window.