Planning Sub Committee – February 2017

Planning Sub Committee – February 2017

The PSC February meeting reviewed 16 applications brought forward from previous meetings. Two applications were recently approved by MHDC and one, relating to 10 and 12 Priory Road, was refused.

10 and 12 Priory Road

Perhaps surprisingly, the application for 10 and 12 Priory Road (16/01654/FUL) was refused at the MHDC Southern Area Planning Management Committee meeting on 15th February, despite the site being owned by MHDC and having already been approved in principle by councillors for sale and development. Also, although this is a prominent historic site next to Priory Park there were only about a dozen formal representations from members of the public to MHDC, four being enthusiastically supportive. Other than MCS, no one offered properly supported reasons for refusal. It is possible that the planners had not intended to refuse this application until they reviewed the MCS representations.

Interestingly, the MHDC’s refusal appears to be linked entirely to the restriction of views from Priory Park by an apartment building. The implication appears to be that all other aspects of the rejected application were considered to be satisfactory. No doubt there will be another application from MHDC for the same site soon.

St. Ann’s Well Café

Eleven new applications were reviewed with just one (St. Ann’s Well Café) generating significant debate. It appears that, for this iconic Malvern building, there is at present no proper heritage statement or adequate proposals for monitoring the work or materials. It was felt to be essential that Historic England, the public body who champion and protect historic places, should be consulted, especially if any demolition is contemplated. Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service should also be consulted.

Parking in Malvern

Elsewhere in the meeting, PSC heard a suggestion by David Gowan that car parking problems in Malvern should fall within the remit of the PSC. Members’ views varied on this point. He outlined a range of issues that the PSC might consider and actions that might be taken to improve parking in Malvern. All present were aware that MHDC intends to develop a new five year strategy for on and off street parking. Organisations and individuals had been invited to comment during a four week consultation which ran until Monday, 6th March. Bob Tilley offered to prepare a response to the survey on behalf of MCS, taking account of David’s comments.

Graham Myatt, February 2017