Annual General Meeting November 11th 2022

Annual General Meeting November 11th 2022

The 63rd Annual General Meeting of Malvern Civic Society will be held at the Eden Centre, Grovewood Road, WR14 1GD on Friday, 11th November 2022 starting at 7.30 pm. Doors open 6.45 pm.


Item 1.    Apologies for absence.

Item 2.    Minutes of the 62nd Annual General meeting.

Item 3.    Matters arising

Item 4.    Chairman’s report.

Item 5.    Treasurer’s report and approval of accounts.

Item 6.    Election of Officers.

Item 7.    Election of Executive Committee Members.

Item 8.    Election of Vice-Presidents.

Item 9.    Appointment of Scrutineer.

Item 10.  Any other business.

Following the AGM, there will be a presentation by ‘Community First’ in Herefordshire &  Worcestershire. 


To be nominated for a Post or a member of the Executive Committee, please print out this form, fill it in with a proposer and seconder and return it to Andrew Huntley by 21st October 2022.


The following documents are in PDF format and can be viewed or downloaded and printed.

  1. Agenda for the meeting
  2. Minutes of the 62nd Annual General meeting
  3. Chairman’s Report