Annual General Meeting – Friday 12th November

Annual General Meeting – Friday 12th November

This year’s Annual General Meeting of the Civic Society is at 7.00pm on Friday 12th November at the Gryphon Room, Malvern Boys College. Doors open at 6.30pm.

Malvern College’s latest risk assessment requests that all visitors to any College property, have a Lateral Flow Test before their visit. We are asking that you comply with this request if at all possible. Lateral Flow Test kits are available free from chemists but you need to obtain a code to obtain them at or telephone 119.

The Civic Society needs your help to keep running. It needs members to volunteer to take on roles and support the activities of the Society. If you would like to take a more active role, please consider joining the Executive Committee and / or being nominated for an official position within the Society.

Meeting Documents

You can view/download the nomination form here. It must be returned to the Andrew Huntley, Honorary Chairman by the 29th October 2021.

Agenda (can also be viewed/downloaded here)

1Apologies for absence.
2Minutes of the 61st Annual General meeting.
(The minutes are recorded on the last page of the Annual Report 2020-2021 in Bandstand)
They can also be viewed/downloaded here.
3Matters arising
4Chairman’s report
5Treasurer’s report and approval of accounts
6Election of Officers
7Election of Executive Committee Members
8Election of Vice-Presidents
9Appointment of Scrutineer
10Any other business

The Agenda can also be viewed/downloaded here.

The minutes of last year’s meeting can be viewed/downloaded here.

Following the AGM, there will be a résumé – ‘The Civic Society 2021 – a year in pictures’.

Members will also have seen a news letter sent out by Katharine Barber with a Post-Pandemic Report. The content of this e-mail is below:

Dear Members, 

We have been having meetings to plan the way forward for the Society and the attached Post Pandemic report sets out the problems we are facing.

We do not really want to raise the subscription at this time but it has remained at £10 per head for considerable years and as you can see IF we do not have the officer positions fulfilled by volunteer members and if we wish the Society to continue giving members the present package of events, we will have to raise the subscription to pay for these additional costs.

I am sure that there are members who could step into these positions but we have asked for help before and it has not been forthcoming.   However, as we have had several new members, there is something worthwhile within the Society to preserve.

In the past, members have volunteered to help with the administration of the Society. The roles which include basic bookkeeping, minute taking and acting as the ‘hub’ for the outings, are essential to keep the Society ‘afloat’ . These jobs are not onerous and, of course, there is support. I am sure that there are members both old and new, who could step into these positions. 

We are hoping to have a full programme in 2022 and it is considered that all talks, room hire, outings should be covered by the subscription charge, leaving savings for capital payments for preservation and enhancement of Malvern.

Please consider the points on in the report and if you wish to volunteer or give an opinion have suggestions, please do contact either Andrew Huntley ( or me at We welcome your response.

Katharine Barber 

The Post Pandemic report referred to above can be viewed/downloaded here.